The Kid Who Would Be King – My Favorite Legend Ruined!

Okay Curious Ones, this isn’t a review about a book, but I HAVE to get it off my chest…It’s about the movie, The Kid Who Would Be King.  I have to begin by saying that I am a HUGE fan of the Merlin and Arthurian legends; borderline nerd.  Saying that, I’m not the kind of person who will fight someone about it either. 

The point of the legend, in my opinion, is to encourage equality, friendship, determination, kindness and compassion.  I rarely run into a version where I have really big problems with creative liberty, so when I saw a new film coming out called The Kid Who Would Be King, I was elated.  Finally, a modern-day version of King Arthur that could have limitless possibilities.  Oh, man was I wrong! 

If you make it through this whole Curiosity, I will conclude it with the suggestion of a novel that I consider a personal favorite and a must-read for any fantasy enthusiast.

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Beyond the Veil by Pippa Dacosta – a Fantasy Adventure

Hello there, Curious Ones!  I just finished this book called Beyond the Veil by author Pippa Dacosta.

To begin, a quick overlook of the characters.  The protagonist is a woman named Charlie/Muse, half demon – half human who five years ago walked away from one of the princes of hell, Akil – also known as Mammon, the demon prince of greed – Akil is the main antagonist.  Then you have Stephan who is also half-demon, half-human who goes through the book as a bad guy, then a good guy, then a bad guy, then a good guy and so forth until the end of the book, which I believe he was a good guy.  You also have a couple of good supporting characters, mainly Nica who ends up being Stephan’s half sister and Ryder who is a human and Stephan’s friend/handler/weapons expert.  I am not 100% certain if Nica is more than human, but she is not part demon; I don’t think.

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Mortality Bound Review – Happy and Disappointed

To begin, Mortality Bound sounded right up my alley.  Written by S.W. Clarke and Ramy Vance, there were demigods, immortals, humans, struggle, a bit of love and one kick-ass heroine.  The main protagonist is a 500-year-old “Encantado” who can shift her form.  She is dating a human male who has had his DNA spliced with a handful of other immortal beings because he wanted to not be “weak”.  There is also the set of 3 cupids, the main one you interact with in the first book is, of course, Cupid of Eros and finally, you have Hercules himself who appears as the final member of the main group.

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