Blooms of Consequence – Passion, Fear and Hard Choices

Well, we made it Curious One!  The final book of the Dusk Gate Chronicles that I have, Blooms of Consequence, did not disappoint!  Whoo!  There was so much going on!  At the end of the last book, Thorns of Decision, we were left wondering what would happen with the gate.  The four of them, Thoman, Linnea, Will and Quinn were going to accompany Nathaniel to Quinn’s world to keep Linnea safe from Tolliver’s kidnapping attempts.  However, before they could cross over, there were Philothean refugees camped out all over the area, so they were left to stay in the castle. 

Starting Blooms of Consequence

William and Quinn were also getting the final stages done on their tattoos, officially claiming their joining of the Friends of Philip (the resistance that began in Philotheum to overthrow the prince regent Hector and his son Tolliver). 

Blooms of Consequence skips ahead about 20 days, with some various information.  The entire royal family has not been allowed to leave the castle grounds, Quinn is training her seeker bird Raeyan, William is working on a new treatment for Shadeweed poisoning from the first book in the series, Seeds of Discovery, Linnea realized the gravity of her situation and Rebecca, their older sister is in labor.  She gave birth to a baby boy, if I remember correctly.

A fire was started nearby the gate by who they are assuming are the Philothean refugees they have been trying to move.  William and Nathaniel go to the emergency aid camp to help, naturally because they are the healers, but Quinn comes along as well with Ben (the trusted guard), to help do whatever needs done.  The fire changed course and began spreading towards an area that hadn’t been evacuated yet and the emergency camp they set up started growing with people who needed help.  Quinn was refilling some water buckets when a man approached her with a wooden horse, hand carved. 

Connecting the Dusk Gate Books

You remember the wood horse figure of Dusk that Will carved for Quinn to gift to Annie (her little sister) in the first or second book?  That’s the horse the man had with him, which could have only been here in Eirentheos if Annie were there, which was “impossible” right?

Wrong!  Annie, Owen and her mother were all in Eirentheos.  Quinn followed the man who had the horse through the forest into a tent that had her family.  She was injured in the process of trying to escape, but after she woke up, she realized who’s camp she was in.  Her family had been taken by Jonathan, the fifth born prince of Philotheum, Quinn’s uncle. 

Will was kind of an idiot.  He left alone and without telling anyone where he was going.  Aelwyn, his own seeker bird, was tracking Raeyan and William followed her, but didn’t tell anyone in the camp where he was going or what was happening.  So, that was pretty stupid on his part, but it all worked out in the end, right?

And Then….

Raeyan came to the rescue!  He seems like such a cute little guy.  Quinn wrote what she could onto the paper in the cylinder on his leg to describe where she was and sent Raeyan out again, hopefully to find someone who could help her in Blooms of Consequence.  Ben or Thomas or Will.  Hopefully!

And then William got captured…

And then Quinn revealed to Prince Jonathan who she was in front of her family…

And then Quinn was sick…

And then Ben came to the rescue…

And then Quinn was taken to the castle…

And then she was diagnosed with redrash…

And then her family was kept away…

And then William proposed to her…

And then Nathaniel stitched up her leg…

And then Quinn reveals her decision…

And then Quinn tells her mom…

And then her mom gets upset…

And then Quinn accepts William’s proposal…

And then Alvin shows up…

And then Quinn tells King Stephen her choice…

And then William gives Quinn a ring…

And then they tell their parents…

And then Quinn’s mom is furious…

And then Owen shows them his love…

And then Thomas talks with Quinn’s mother…

And then Quinn’s mom tries to accept the choices Quinn is making…

And that is when they found Prince Jonathan.  He comes to the castle and reveals a lot about the political standing of Philotheum.  During a meeting in which Alvin was attending, they came up with a plan to get her across the border with William to show Queen Sophia that she is the rightful heir and is making a claim to the throne.

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Branching out from Blooms of Consequence?

Charles, another uncle of hers, has his doubts and might play a future role in Blooms of Consequence.  A negative role.  As a bad guy.  Hah!

And then they decide to have the wedding now, not after they get to Philotheum, and that way Quinn’s mom would be able to attend.  So, they have their wedding!

During the reception and dancing, Alvin tells them the story of the gate.

               “…simple science, really.  At certain times, these magnets, once on each side, can weaken the magnetic field between them, and allow someone to pass through…the gate you’ve been using was built by a young man who was very curious and scientific minded…rather like you, Prince William.  He studied how a naturally occurring gate worked, and thought he had it figure dout.  He dug up a piece of the magnetic rock under one of the gates, and then traveled to a place where he predicted another weak spot…a place in the Colorado mountains that is now known as Bristlecone, and he buried the rock there.  Planted it might be a more appropriate term.  Planted two pinecones with it; I never learned why…”

I am excited to see what the author does with the stories.  Since there are more gates out there connecting the worlds, are there other worlds to be connected, besides Earth and Deusterros (the world with Eirenthehos and Philotheum)?  It could be an amazing series or series’.  Hah!

The Post-Wedding Situation

After Blooms of Consequence‘s wedding party, Quinn’s mother, Owen and Annie had to leave to get to the gate before it closed.  They said their goodbye’s and Linnea took them up a staircase to a mini suite that was set up for the two of them for some privacy for the rest of the night and into the morning.  It was a wonderful notion. 

Until Quinn woke the next morning from a bad dream and they were woken to be told that Linnea was missing.

In the hopes that they will reach Queen Sophia before Tolliver can force a marriage onto Linnea, they leave as soon as possible.  Their travelling group is pretty large, with Prince Charles and his wife Thea, Princess Ellen and her husband Henry, Prince Nathaniel, Prince William, Princess Quinn and Marcus and Ben (the trusted guards).  Seems like a big party of important people to be trying to sneak across a border into a kingdom that is threatening war.  Just saying…

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Maxwell figures out that his girlfriend was the one who kidnapped Linnea.  He goes right to his father to tell him about it and apologize.  King Stephen, again, shows nothing but love and amazing control.

A Plot Twist in Blooms of Consequence

The large group travelling to Philotheum splits up.  Nathaniel, Ben, Marcus, Quinn and William cross the river while the rest of them head around to meet them at a safe house.  Prince Jonathan find them soon after they cross though and help them get to the safe house.  Tolliver and some of his troops invaded the safe house they were headed to.  Apparently, Linnea and Queen Sophia are there already, so he proposes to help them.

Dreams come up again regarding the gate.  Quinn might not be able to cross over ever again AND Hector, the prince regent of Phiilotheum knows about the gate and has a gun. 

Plot Twist!!!

And then they get inside the safe house…

And then they meet Queen Sophia…

And then Tolliver shows up…

And then Linnea stabs him…

And then Linnea is bleeding…

And then they take Tolliver away…

And then they fix Linnea up…

And then Ben and Linnea show their feelings towards each other…

And then they take back the safe house from Tolliver’s troops…

And then they find out how Catherine (Maxwell’s girlfriend) kidnapped Linnea…

And then they stay the night, safe and sound…

And then King Stephen shows up…

And then they all talk with Queen Sophia…

And then Quinn and William have a talk…

And then they head back to Eirentheos…

And then they try to close the gate for good…

And then Hector appeared…

And then Hector shot at Maxwell (he missed)…

And then Hector reveals that he killed her father…

And then Quinn and Marcus threw daggers at Hector, killing him…

It was a long time later, still in Eirentheos when they realized that it was Owen who probably closed the gate for good.  That he was also there when Alvin told the story about the two pinecones and the magnetic rock being buried together.  Remember, Owen has dreams too! 

And then the night before their public wedding, Quinn tells William that she is pregnant and happy.

The end!

Final Thoughts on Blooms of Consequence and Dusk Gate Chronicles

So, there are at least four more books and four novellas included in the Dusk Gate Chronicles, but I don’t have them yet.  But what I can say is that when the opportunity comes up to get them, I certainly will!  I love this series!  Breeana Puttroff is incredible and her entire series so far is amazing.  I love what happened, I love the growth and I love how inspiring the story can be for some. 

There was love and passion, but you weren’t skipping ahead a whole chapter that was wasted on an erotic scene and it can truly be described as a young adult series.  The elements of each character developing individually, as well as a team, and accepting who they were was an amazing realistic element thrown into a fantastical world. 

I hope that you enjoyed the Dusk Gate Chronicles as much as I did, Curious One.  Blooms of Consequence was the perfect fourth book.  And it ended in a way that was an ending but was still open to more books being written if it called for it.  Which obviously there were.  Hah!  I’m excited to hopefully get a chance to read the rest of the series and even start the series that includes a grown-up Owen! 

Her website is currently under construction, but if you visit you can see all of her books, sign up for a newsletter and read some comments that other readers have made!  She is a best-selling author and I can see why! 

It’s obvious that her passion for true young adult fantasy is a winning talent and I hope she keeps writing in the future!

As for me, Curious One, I’m ready to start another book…  

Check out Breeana Puttroff at the following links:

Breeana Puttroff’s Website
Breeana Puttroff on Twitter
Breaana Puttroff on Facebook

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