Will You Bend the Rules to Save Your Life? Degree of Guilt Discussion

degree of guilt

Sooooo… What do you think of this novel, Curious One?  I’m gonna start off by saying that Degree of Guilt, written by Richard North Patterson is one of the most intense novels I have read when it comes to raising questions of personal ethics and morals.  Literally every page is full of questions, lies, half-truths, concerns and confusion.  Honestly, even with my personal struggle regarding half the content, I loved Degree of Guilt

I’ve never read or been too interested in courtroom-based novels, but I’m glad I read Degree of Guilt.  It was suggested to me by a friend, and I will definitely say it was worth it. 

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The Dark Room by Minette Walters

The Dark Room by Minette Walters

I hope you are ready, Curious One, because today I ventured into the world of The Dark Room, created by English writer, Minette Walters.  What can I say?  It’s a classic, semi-convoluted crime novel that makes your brain work overtime!  It was wonderful, if a bit too much on occasion. 

There’s a multitude of mixed messages hidden in these pages, but I did my best to keep them straight.  There were so many people involved in this book, detectives from a handful of different locations, a few families, some neighbors and a handful of coworkers that were all recurring characters throughout the 300+ pages.   Honestly?  It was a mess of names and backgrounds and motives and I was overwhelmed for the first third of the book.  Hahahah! 

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Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson

Before I Go to Sleep by SJ Watson

Okay Curious One.  This next novel will get you!  I promise, if you are into psychological thrillers even in the slightest of ways, you will fall in love with this debut novel, Before I Go to Sleep, written by S.J. Watson. 

Hopefully, we can stay on the same page with this discussion as I do my best to navigate both my feelings towards the events happening in Before I Go to Sleep and depicting the events happening in a way that doesn’t lose you!  At the ending there are a few group discussion questions that the author posed and a couple of them I would love to explore with you.

I realize how often my brain gets tangled up in the web of the storyline that is being weaved by the author, but Before I Go to Sleep was astounding!  I undeniably loved it!  Even as the reader, looking into the life of Christine, you think you have found the answer and then get convinced you are totally wrong!  Surprisingly, one of the first thoughts that popped into my head was “what if Ben isn’t really Ben?” And then Bam!  You are convinced so deeply that he is and you forget you ever thought that until almost the very ending and you are left with a “What??!” expression on your face as you keep staring at the sentence you just read in complete bewilderment!  I mean…WHOA!  You see it coming, but even still, it slams into you like an avalanche.

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“An Uneasy Feeling In the Pit of My Stomach” – The God Project (Audiobook) by John Saul

The God Project by John Saul read by Mel Foster

Alright, Curious One.  If you read my last Curiosity, you will be aware that this is officially my second audio book!  I cannot say how thankful I am that the The God Project audio book was amazing.  It was good enough that I am contemplating visiting another thrift shop to find some more for my next few trips!

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The Siege by Stephen White – Read by Dick Hill

How would you feel as a hostage? The Siege makes you wonder...

Hey there Curious One!  I have been spending long hours on the road recently and therefore, haven’t been able to read as often as usual.  My spare time is filled with driving and gas stops instead of reading, so when I was browsing a thrift shop, I saw some audio books and, on a whim, I grabbed one!  I have never been interested in audio books before.  I prefer the feel of the paper between my fingers and the ability to voice the characters in my own head.  However, spending 6+ hours on the road a couple times a month, I began to miss reading.  So, I decided to give audio books a try! 

First off, let me say that my car is an older model (1999) so it doesn’t come equipped with an aux cable (just a single disc CD player) which is why I want to specify that when I say audio book, I mean books on CD’s, not an audio file downloaded to my phone or a media player.  Gotta go “old-school”! Hahah!

Written by Stephen White, The Siege is described as a pulse-pounding thriller.  I may or may not fully agree with that.  We will get into that in a moment…

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Endless Evil Gives Chills, Creeps – Get a Night Light!

This one is hard to talk about Curious One.  Endless Evil is a Pruitt County Mystery from author Amanda Feyerbend and it is rough; for a couple reasons.  The two killers are so disgusting and terrible, the writing is a bit chaotic at times, and it all is so believable that it could EASILY be based off of true events and real killers.  It chills your bones and gives you a massive dose of the creeps.  I mean, I honestly don’t even know where to start my discussion of this curiosity.  Maybe I should just go for it and see what happens…

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