Isle of Wolves – We Witches Three Book Two by Humphrey Quinn

Oooookay Curious One.  So, I decided to read the next installment in the We Witches Three series by Humphrey Quinn.  Isle of Wolves was a little unexpected.  I still have the same problem as with the first one, too short and the style of writing not quite fitting the age of the characters, but this one held a bit of annoyance for me.  Hahah!

I promise, I am NOT a picky reader!  But man, I just wanted this series to be so good and it’s just not happening…

Better Connection than Isle of Bones

The writing in Isle of Wolves did feel a bit more connectable to the characters, but seriously, how can five supernatural and powerful beings be so easily tricked by a girl and her father.  I just don’t get it.  It’s not like they aren’t doing a multitude of things to be questioning.  Really.  How can they believe so easily in the “coincidences” and not think a little deeper about anything?  I just don’t get it.

I’m going to try to keep this a little bit shorter so that when I’m done reading the next book, I can sum it all up and not be too repetitive for you!

Isle of Wolves starts right at the cliffhanger you were left at in Isle of Bones (book one).  There is a bright side to these, they tend to focus a little bit more on one of the witches more than the other two, even if they are all involved in the plotline going on. 

Charlie was a pretty big focus for this book, going through his curse and thoughts behind his action a lot.  It was a little refreshing, because the writing matched a bit more with his age, but still, it just feels too obvious.  Seriously, how can they not relate her super white hair to the super white wolf?  And the smells and interactions between her and everyone…I just can’t get over it.  Hahahah! 

Right under Their Noses?

Charlie has a summer fling who is more than what you are supposed to think she is and she sacrifices herself to save Charlie and hopefully keep the tides of an upcoming war on the side of good.  Charlie fully evolves into a werewolf and kills the “alpha” who was really some random guy named Caleb that Eva tricked into helping her.  Charlie also believes he killed the alpha, when the alpha is actually Eva.  I mean, seriously, Curious One.  How can none of them see this?  Geez…

Melinda finds someone who is a match made in heaven.  He fully loves her and wants to make her happy, even though they only met for real for one day, they jump off a cliff into water and then make love a couple times before she has to leave suddenly to help Charlie.  This guy she meets, Riley, has incredible perception and it is pretty obvious that if he isn’t a witch, he may be something else supernatural or have some faint magical blood in his genes that gives his a slighter better than normal perception.

Anyways, Melinda doesn’t realize this is not normal and that he may be more than a human man.  Also, they never said their last names, which I find interesting.  Hopefully, it’s not some long-time family feud that will give you a Romeo and Juliet vibe in the end of this whole scenario.  There’s already a love triangle going on and that’s annoying enough as it is. 

Maybe the Quinn worked off a checklist of tropes for the YA fantasy genre and is trying to get it all to make sense when she should have just written what was in her mind and heart.  Who knows? 

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Thinking Deeper in Isle of Wolves

Normally, I would be like “Why did Melinda take off for almost a whole day when the life of her brother is on the line?”  But really, it makes sense.  She was already almost full to the brim with emotion and hearing that news – making her go overboard – I can understand.  So, her taking off may not be responsible and sensical, but it fits with the situation, so I can accept it.

Oh!  And how can a 400+ year old vampire who is supposed to protect the Howard family line not know a single thing about werewolves??!  Does that make any sense to you, Curious One?  Do you have any thoughts on as to why he knows next to nothing?  I’m certainly confuddled by it…

The way Michael reacted to Emily being perfectly safe as live bait for the werewolf scene makes me think there will be something happening between the two of them later on.  His reaction was immense and though it fits and makes sense, it was important enough to the author to emphasize his reaction a couple times, so because of that I think there is going to be something that goes down between our happy couple at some point. 

Oh yeah!! And William is a 400+ year old vampire who doesn’t know what a heart flutter is from a woman who is around him?  Really?  Come on!  How does THAT make sense??!  Hahahah!!!  And what could their ghost mother have asked him to do for Melinda and/or the Howard siblings that will be SO terrible?  Will he have to leave?  Kill himself to save them?  Kill one of them?  Turn one of them?  I want to know!  

Concluding Isle of Wolves

All I do know is that Eva Jordan is going to annoy me all to heck.  She just makes me roll my eyes, especially the way the entire rest of the cast of characters react towards her. 

So much just doesn’t fully make sense!!!

I’m going to leave it at this for you today, Curious One.  Hopefully you have some of the same questions I do, and if not, you can always help me find some answers with bits of your own curiosity coming out to play.  Or maybe you have your own questions that I totally missed or forgot to mention!?

All-in-all, Isle of Wolves was both better and worse than Isle of Bones!

As always, I hope today finds you with a smile on your face and some comfort in your day.  Have a great one!

For me, it’s time for me finish this other book…

Check out Humphrey Quinn at the following links:

Humphrey Quinn’s Website
Humphrey Quinn’s Facebook Page

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Isle of Wolves Time for a Book
Isle of Wolves is the second book of the We Witches Three series written by Humphrey Quinn. If you are looking for a small adventure with a lingering cliffhanger, give it a chance! Isle of Wolves hooks you quickly and makes you want to keep reading till the end…and then some!