Inside Roots of Insight by Breeana Puttroff

Roots of Insight, book two in the Dusk Gate Chronicles picked up the day after Quinn crossed the gate back into Bristlecone, CO from Eirentheos at the end of Seeds of Discovery.  You get a quick glimpse of how difficult it is for her to switch back into homework mode after being gone for 10 days. 

Into Roots of Insight

Zander is already back in the picture, Curious One, on the first page of the first chapter.  He is kindly helping her with her Trigonometry homework when her mom and siblings come home.

I have to mention that Owen (her little brother) is amazing.  I love his character and I really hope we get more of him in the future!  More than just these quicker glimpses while Quinn is running around.

The next day at school she catches up with William and gets an update on all things Eirentheos.  He even gives her a little wood carved horse to gift to Annie (her little sister if you remember) as well as the stones she forgot in her room to gift to Owen.

It’s a bit annoying to me that her and Zander started a relationship without actually discussing with each other what the other wanted.  I mean, Quinn literally seems like she wasn’t sure what she expected after going on that first date and in my opinion, just because you go one a date with someone, that doesn’t mean you are suddenly in a relationship with them.  That discussion should have happened between Zander and Quinn.  I think it would have helped clarify everything for her and given her a chance to decide what she wanted to do about not telling Zander the truth about certain things.  …In my opinion… hahah!

Abbie and Zander Are Still at It

And her friend Abbie.  Seriously.  I know in the last book I discussed how annoyed I was by her.  She was no different for me in Roots of Insight.  Breeana Puttroff did an incredible job making her character portray the average high school girl.  Man, I was annoyed by almost everything she did.  Her approving looks, her disapproving looks, her selfishness, her nonchalant attitude towards dating and her disregard for Quinn’s feelings really killed me. 

Ugh!  I was thrilled and surprised that Thomas showed up in her school one day.  It was an amazing thing to happen, but I was curious as to why he was allowed to travel to her world and be gone for 10 days in his when, if I understand correctly, he is not considered an adult yet in Eirentheos.  Makes me curious.  Anyways, I said “ugh” earlier because guess what?  Zander saw Thomas hug Quinn and he got suspicious and jealous.  Stupid.  Really.  How needy is he?  He witnesses nothing more than a friendly hug, obvious to probably any bystander, and he thinks there is more to it than that.  (I just rolled my eyes).  Really stupid.

A whole chapter was dedicated to a date between Zander and Quinn, so I won’t get into it, but I can definitely say that my opinion of him still didn’t change.

The Roots of Insight to Jealousy

We are given ANOTHER visit by Thomas who came to invite Quinn to Simon (the eldest of the Rose children) and Evelyn’s wedding.  There is a lot of emotion going around at the information Thomas gave her.  William was supposed to invite her, but he didn’t, and she of course thinks it’s because he might not want her to go.  But in truth, William is just jealous, and Quinn is overreacting.  Of course, she decided she would go.  But this time, she can’t just leave, because her family is there for the weekend.  So, she asks Abbie for help.  (I just scowled at that).  Hah!

Of course, being the “great” friend she is, Abbie immediately assumes Quinn is cheating on Zander when Quinn asks her to cover for her with both her mom AND Zander.  Have I mentioned yet, Curious One, how annoying I think Abbie is?  Ugh!

We finally get back through the gate with Thomas, William and Quinn.  As the evening comes to a close, we are reintroduced to most of the characters from Seeds of Discovery

As Roots of Insight progresses, we get more history and information regarding the two kingdoms.  Eirentheos and Philothium.  Things seem very strenuous between them all and by the end of Roots of Insight, I got the distinct feeling that Quinn might be much more important to the kingdoms than we have been led to believe.  There is repetitive information about rightful rulers, heirs, first-born children from the first-born child, and the threat of potential war to all not be connected in some way.  Nathaniel is brought up as well and we find out that though he is treated as an Uncle and has the last name of Rose, he technically isn’t their uncle.  And of course, we can almost always safely assume that the main character plays the key role to solving the problems.  If not, why would they be the main character, right?  So, I have some curiosities about Quinn and her potential role in the continuing books.

Quinn had another quick life-threatening adventure as she saved a little boy who was stuck in a tree house that was sliding and falling out of the tree.  She almost single-handedly rescued him.  And, while I understand William’s fears and concerns, he’s being a bit of a pill and maybe even annoyed me as well for most of Roots of Insight.  He is obsessive about Quinn endangering herself.  Angry at her for helping and coming into his world to begin with and he decided for most of the book to ignore her and try to manipulate the situation so that she would reconsider ever coming back.

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The Wedding

The wedding was described beautifully and though we haven’t had much of a chance to get to know Evelyn as a character, she seems well-grounded and kind.  Since there are so many characters in this series already, I’m sure we won’t get much time spent with her character development, but I think I will like what little we do get to read about her. 

During the chapter about the wedding reception, a lot of it was spent on Thomas talking to Quinn about a relative of theirs who lives in Philotheum on the border.  She is a fourth-born healer, and he found her naming ceremony pendant in a market.  There was a lot of concern from him about it, so I think if not in this book, the next one will definitely include more in regard to that. 

I thought it was really unique that the pendants are different colors, depending on where you are from.  Philotheum is gold (accompanied by the color green) and Eirentheos is silver (complimented by purple).  I think that is very simple, but also pretty unique and powerful. 

Dreams and the Real World

More disconcerting dreams plague Quinn.  I think these are really, really important and I want to know more about them!  My curiosity burns when I think about what they could possibly mean and the implication of them could be endless!

William decided to leave for the rest of her trip.  Before he left though, the two of them had a nice heart-to-heart.  I understand what William was saying and I cannot say if I would have done or thought differently in the same situation.  However, I feel like I probably would have sided with Quinn on this one.  Just because it would be difficult and cause potential problems, you shouldn’t miss out of the wonderful things in your life because of fear. 

William spent every single day studying, working and coming off as reclusive and maybe even impolite.  No friends, no parties, no fun, essentially.  And he missed out on many potential things that he could have loved and been able to learn more from, grow from and see different points of views on things in a whole different world.  He missed out on too much, all because he was scared of someone finding out about his secret.

Quinn on the other hand thinks that you should enjoy every second and join in and make mistakes and live in the moment. 

However, in Williams defense, she is lying to everyone in her world about where she is and what she is doing.  That’s not good.  But she can at least say that she is trying and having a good time and learning so much from her experiences.  She isn’t hiding in the corner watching and waiting. 

Back to Annoying Abbie and Zander

I’m not sure what I would consider to be the “best” approach to their scenario and I certainly don’t pretend that I am an outgoing person.  I am 100% a watcher and waiter.  I have never jumped into the crowd and let my guard down.

Perhaps that’s why I kind of agree with Quinn.  I know how much I have missed over the years and hope that one day I will be able to experience it from the other perspective. 

Anyways, moving on to the middle of Roots of Insight!  Thomas escorts Quinn back to the gate and talks to her about that pendant I mentioned earlier.  His father was hiding something about it from him so he decided that he would go to Philotheum instead of meeting William in one of the neighboring towns.  Thomas told her he was going to Philotheum, kissed her when the gate opened and rode off in the direction of the border. 

Quinn passed through the gate and was greeted by her phone ringing with missed calls and messages from both Zander and Abbie. 

Abbie and Zander are both annoying!

So, near the middle of Root of Insight we get MORE exhausting interactions with Abbie and Zander.  I am a little less annoyed by Zander, simply because it’s pretty obvious that Quinn is going through something that she isn’t telling him about, but come on.  They were best friends until junior high, then 4-5 years later they suddenly start dating and she’s just supposed to tell him everything about her life?  Just like that?  Just because they have kissed and gone on a handful of dates?  Seriously?  Just…yeah.

Roots of Insights – Is Silence Dangerous?

After a week, Quinn finally forces William (who has been ignoring her and is annoying me himself because of that) to talk to her one night when she is working in the library.  William tells her that Thomas has been missing since the night he escorted her to the gate.  She tells him about what Thomas did and since no one but her knew he went to Philotheum, they ran out of the library just in time to reach the gate before it closed. 

They crossed back into Eirentheos and Quinn realized she didn’t tell anyone where she was, who she was with and her mother would probably be in a bad position when she finally returned, but to Quinn, Thomas and getting him back home was more important. 

Alvin shows up and Quinn, William, Nathaniel, Marcus and Bed (guards of King Stephen’s) travel secretly to Philotheum to rescue Thomas.  Well, they aren’t sure if he is safe or not, but the fact that no one has heard from him for so long, they all assume he is in danger.


More dreams!  Bad ones!  And Nathaniel reacts to them differently than I would have guessed, so they are definitely important!  I want more!!!

There is some information about a movement of people who are trying to quietly usurp Tolliver and his father.

There are secret conversations Quinn overhears.

There is fear and panic.

There is new friendship.

There are secrets revealed that alter their perceptions.

There is a blossoming of feelings between Quinn and William.

There are more dreams.

There is waiting.

Tolliver visits.

They all hide.

Ellen’s true identity is exposed.

Background on Nathaniel is revealed.

They are trapped.

There is the birth of a new baby.

There is a moment of betrayal.

MORE information about the politics between the two kingdoms is revealed.

Thomas is rescued.

Thomas undergoes extensive surgery after being beaten by Tolliver’s men.

The King and Queen of Eirentheos arrive.

Thomas and the group travel back to the castle.

There are more dreams.

Thomas reveals his intention behind the kiss – a distraction to get her to cross the gate.

And the next day, Quinn, William and Nathaniel cross the gate back into Bristlecone, CO. 

However, Quinn’s mom is waiting at the gate entrance!  All she says is “Hello, Nathaniel” and “Go get in the car, Quinn.” 

And that is the end of Roots of Insight

Final Thoughts on Roots of Insight

There were a number of mixed emotions, some betrayal and many “secrets” were revealed.  Things are getting heated up!  And what exactly does it mean that Quinn’s mom knew exactly where the gate was?  Why was she so calm about everything when her daughter had been missing for two days?  And how does she know Nathaniel?!

Any thoughts, Curious One?  I have so many ideas and curious lines of thought running through my mind right now.  I can hardly concentrate enough on one to pick it out of the pile and trace it all the way to the end! 

I can’t wait to start book three!  Breeana Puttroff is an incredible author.  I am more than ready for more and I have so many questions!

Get ready, because it’s time for another book…

Check out Breeana Puttroff at the following links:

Breeana Puttroff’s Website
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Breaana Puttroff on Facebook

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Roots of Insight
Roots of Insight is book two in the Dusk Gate Chronicles written by none other than Breeana Puttroff. She has outdone herself with the second installment of her series. It’s full of adventure, discovery, secrets and betrayal as the main group of characters navigate emotions and turmoil during a stressful time. You will be shocked by the ending!