Man, Curious One. I am both elated and angry after reading Summer’s Rebellion! I didn’t want to be right. And I guess technically we don’t know for certain if I was right or not, but really, the alchemist who can create the poison that killed the king is from Socair and Oliver’s aunt and uncle are the only people who have both the money and the connection to Socair, so they obviously poisoned and killed the king. Also, Oliver is still an easily manipulated little boy. Geez, all he does is piss me off…
Into Summer’s Rebellion
During the funeral celebration for King Rowan in Luan, you were given a glimpse into the amazing man he must have been a wonderful and kind king. It was interesting how different the traditional funeral services were between H’Ria and Luan – Charlie was so lost and fumbling her way through the procession, trying to understand what and why things were being done the way they were being done. Oliver didn’t inform her of their customs, and it was obviously very different from the way it works in H’Ria.
You also get a glimpse into Jocelyn. She is not only one of the girls that Oliver slept with behind Charlie’s back, but he also fell in love with her. I was a little confused as to why she married Anderson though; until the end of the book that is. I had a feeling she might have been pregnant with Oliver’s child since Anderson stated that they hoped for another pregnancy, but it was not outright said. It was a bit confusing and intentionally vague.
During the whole first half of the book, as always, you must bear down when it comes to all the fights and hurtful comments between Logan and Charlie. I think it is obvious to everyone who watches them what their feelings are which I think might be part of what gets them in trouble.
Is It a Turn for Oliver In Summer’s Rebellion?
Oliver, for once, seems to be growing up a little bit. He doesn’t run from his coronation and he also seems to want to help Charlie and Logan get their happy every after. He finds papers that provide a way for Logan to become legitimized, which would make him the first-born son and the true heir to the throne. However, during their travels, Logan reveals to Charlie that his father, King Rowan, was married to Juliette (his mother) before he was born so he is technically already legitimate. I’m not sure I really understand how he isn’t legitimate in the eyes of the courts and how his father married Oliver’s mother without any of this coming up. I’m very confused. I am also very thankful that I didn’t get swayed by Oliver though. Goodness, what a foolish, childish, and easily manipulated little boy. I hate him.
Amid all of the funeral processions and coronation planning, Charlie’s life had been threatened a few times. Once when they were out visiting villages and villagers, once in her bedroom (although she wasn’t there at the time, so she didn’t get hurt) and once in an explosion where her favorite tree was. To me, all these attempts so direct and so close to home meant that someone inside the castle with power was trying to assassinate her. Just my opinion. And the two men they captured during the first attempt pled guilty to killing the king, but I don’t believe them and Charlie questioning their motives and ability one moment, then accepting their guilt the next irked me. That was naive on her part.
Thankfully, Charlie is finally taking lessons in weaponry. Ian is training her and though is it tough, she is finally stepping into her Warrior Queen role, taking everything in stride and with a vigorous passion. It was a relief to finally read she wanted fight training. It took her long enough…
So, during the final dance, Charlie reveals to Logan her suspicions about Fia and the poison. The next morning, he sets off to the forest of the thieves to talk to her, leaving Charlie and Oliver. After he left, someone tried to kill her in her room, but Clara was the only one present in the room at the time and got injured because of it. Charlie was furious. When she went to the infirmary to check on Clara there was purple blood on her and pointed ears. Clara is maybe fae? I wanted more information, but it seemed like later that day or the following day was when she was almost killed by the bomb near her tree (the time when Ian died saving her). That was when Oliver told Finn to take her to Logan, that he couldn’t keep her safe there at the castle so that was the last interaction with Clara so far. Sadly.
Getting Engaged In Summer’s Rebellion
They snuck out of the castle and met Logan on a road far enough from the castle to continue on in disguise. Thankfully, Finn went back to the castle. I didn’t want Finn to stay with Charlie only because of poor Isla. Her mother was being absurd and ridiculous. Even though Isla was married to Finn and currently pregnant with his child, her mother was trying to marry her off still to the Duke of Socair. Even going as far as saying that the Duke would still have her, even the child too if it “didn’t come out brown like his father. No man wants a child that doesn’t look like him.” In hindsight, that could have been a small foreshadow into Jocelyn and Anderson’s future.
As you are aware, more arguing and derision every day back and forth between Logan and Charlie filled the next few chapters. I swear, they are good at giving emotional whiplash. One moment they are smiling and happy and having forbidden feelings and the next moment they are lashing out at each other saying hurtful things to ignore the pain of not being able to be together (Insert Eyeroll).
Something finally happens though! Logan takes her to his mother’s village where they stay in his old house. He takes her to his favorite tree where he proposes. You aren’t certain if he is being serious or theoretical, but he puts the ring on Charlie’s finger, and they are officially engaged. The ring is so much more like Charlie than the one Oliver gave her. Oliver used his grandmothers ring which sounded a lot like a normal engagement ring you might find today, whereas Logan’s mother’s ring is a gold band resembling the branches of a tree with small emerald stones embedded, imitating leaves. With Charlie’s love for tree’s, it is a beautiful ring for her that is much more fitting.
Speaking of rings, Oliver took the ring he gave her back before she left, claiming it would be safer that way. Curious, isn’t it?
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Toxic Situations
The following day they finally get to the thieves’ forest and talk with Fia. She admits to having the poison, but her vial is full, never having used it on King Rowan. She continues to explain why it is so hard and rare to find and create. It can only be obtained from the blood flower under a specific moon and it is only in a specific location that is hard to access and claims the lives of most people who venture there. There are two alchemists who have the ability to draft the poison. One is unknown and hasn’t been seen or heard from in decades and the other lives in Socair. So, tell me, Curious One. Who do we know with ties to Socair that have tons of money? Hmmmm…. let’s think here for a moment. Oh wait, there are only two people aren’t there. Oliver’s Aunt and Uncle.
Fia also decides to train Charlie more while they are staying there. It was a good move to make because Fia is more capable of training in the manner Charlie needed. She pushes harder too which is wonderful news for Charlie. She needed more pushing and dedication in order to excel.
Logan and Charlie got married in a beautiful manner that was fitting for both. Neither of their families could attend, obviously, but their makeshift family of thieves were there, and it was perfect. Simple, elegant and fitting for them without the fuss and bother of the royal wedding. I didn’t really agree with them getting married, because I didn’t trust Oliver even though Logan and Charlie did, but they took the step and decided to live with whatever consequences turned out because of it. A mysterious man from Fia’s past turned up after the wedding and party and passionate night. His name is Jin and he is obviously a fae – as is Fia. We finally got the confirmation! Thank goodness! Now, there is only one more book to further explore this and that’s not enough! They had to prepare for the meeting with the leader of the rebellion. MacKinnon. Jin, Angus and the thieves were more than willing to accompany them in hiding, keeping them on level ground and safer from a possible surprise attack.
Is It a Turn for Oliver, Part 2
I have determined that though his actions were dire and served grave consequences, MacKinnon is a good man. I have a feeling he won’t make it through the end of the series, but I hope he does. He deserves to see the hopefully happy result of his rebellion. He kept the children of all the villages safe from Rhiesart and Earc and split from them with his loyal men the moment he realized the control was out of his hands.
I feel bad for him.
MacKinnon, Logan and Charlie decided to return to the castle, update Oliver and begin saving the kingdoms. When they were on the border of the castle though, about a day away, the king’s guards found them, arresting both Logan and MacKinnon for treason. I KNEW Oliver wasn’t trustworthy!!! And why are Logan’s kinsmen against him? Is it just them, or have they rid the army of any of those who are loyal to Logan? Will those that are loyal rise against their king and the monarchy when the time comes?
When Charlie enters the throne room, Earc is on one side of Oliver and Siobhan, his mother, is on the other: sneers full of gleeful hatred on their faces. Oliver had a face full of fury as well, but it was directed at Charlie, not the treatment of his brother. Oliver is such a pansy and childish idiot. I can’t stand him! Ugh! Finn and Isla wouldn’t meet Charlie’s gaze either and that kind of makes me mad, but they are under orders to not speak to her. So, once again, Oliver is pathetic. Only Clara and Oliver are allowed into Charlie’s rooms and may speak to her.
Closing Up Summer’s Rebellion
And guess what. You remember Jocelyn, right? The bully that Oliver fell in love with and slept with before proposing to Charlie? Yeah, she had that baby I thought might be Oliver’s. It is Oliver’s and I can’t wait to see what stupid things Oliver was convinced and manipulated into doing by those that profess to love him.
How can so many bad people be in one kingdom? Like, literally every single person who is of royal lineage in Luan is terrible, evil and deceiving. King Rowan and Isla are the only two people that we have been introduced to that aren’t bad, scheming and manipulative people. I would normally include Oliver into that list of good people, but he is so weak and childish that I just don’t have it in me to give him any benefit or leeway. He has to be being manipulated on all fronts. His mother, his uncle and the love of his life, Jocelyn. Ugh. I hate it. A small part of me hopes he doesn’t make it through the last book, because he causes so much damage it is unbelievable. If he were taken out of the equation entirely, many things would be different and working to a more positive future for the land of Lochlann. Seriously.
Well, Curious One. I know Summer’s Rebellion was pretty intense, but I really want to keep reading for the conclusion of this story! I hope you are still as interested in it as I am. It seems a bit childish and slightly repetitive, but not enough to deter me from finding out what happens! Keep reading with me to get the answers we deserve! Autumn’s Reign is the final book in the Lochlann Treaty Series. Are you ready for it?
It’s time for another book…
Check out the authors of Summer’s Rebellion at the following links:
Robin D. Mahle’s Twitter
Elle Madison’s Twitter
Robin D. Mahle’s Website
Elle Madison’s Facebook
Book 1: Winter’s Captive
Book 2: Spring’s Rising
Book 3: Summer’s Rebellion
Book 4: Autumn’s Reign
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