Deciphering Wolff’s “Crave”: Themes and Flaws in This Slow Burn

Grace enters a new life at a new school in Crave by Tracy Wolff

It’s been some time, Curious One. A long time since I’ve sat down and read a book… I found this series, I’m positive you’ve heard of it before, and I said to myself “use this to get back into Time for a Book!”  So, here I am, craving to get back into it!

…It’s finally time for a book…   

I genuinely thought this series was much older than it is, thinking it was started in like 2015.  However, apparently, the first novel was published in 2020… Who knew?!  It caught massive amounts of attention rapidly. Like the Twilight series, pretty much every YA reader and Fantasy readers alike had tried reading it.  Because of that, I of course did my best to stay away from it. 

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Hide’n Go Seek – When The Seeker Becomes The Killer

hide'n go seek

I couldn’t wait any longer, Curious One!  Hide’n Go Seek, the second installment of the Psychic Vision series by my new favorite paranormal author Dale Mayer took me on an incredible ride!  If you remember, I read the first book of the series, Tuesday’s Child a few months ago and as soon as I found Hide’n Go Seek, I was ready to step back into the world she created for us! 

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Reread Digging the Wolf – I promise It Get’s Better

digging the wolf

Phew!  We made it, Curious One!  We got through each of the five books in the Wolf Night’s collection!  I’m not sure I’ve ever read so many books in a row filled with shifting alpha male personas, but it was worth the experience. I have to say, my own curiosity has been fully satiated for now. Regarding the shifter world of alpha males, that is….  The fifth and final book in the collection is called Digging the Wolf by Steffanie Holmes.  At first glance, it is kind of dry and boring and grasping at some sort of storyline to drive the reader until the end.  However, I ended up reading it a second time before talking to you about it and it made up for some of my first impressions!  Let’s “dig” in!  😉

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Savage Surrender Takes You by Surprise With Love at First Sight

savage surrender

Hey, hey Curious One!  I’m back at it here with the fourth book in the Wolf Nights collection, Savage Surrender: A Dire Wolves Mission by Ellis Leigh.  Super short and packed full of action, Savage Surrender wasn’t that bad!  It held all of the usual tropes that you find within a shifter book, but they weren’t too over-the-top!  You know what I’m talking about here.  Alpha commands that are obeyed unwillingly, hot and steamy sex, alpha personalities, fights to the death, mated to a stranger with one look, etc.

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Betrayed by Love or Family? Find the Answer in The Necromancer’s Betrayal

the necromancer's betrayal

The Necromancer’s Betrayal. Curious One?  This is a book to keep on your shelf!  I’m aware that I tend to not like shorter books, but Becca Andre did this one right!  It’s packed full of intrigue, mystery, adventure and just enough romance to not be driven by pesky hormones.  It’s perfectly balanced and I couldn’t fault much of anything about The Necromancer’s Betrayal.

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Wolf’s Bane by Aimee Easterling – A True Shifter Mystery

Wolf's Bane

This was a good one, Curious One!  I took my own advice and did some research.  I found a collection of five books, written by individual authors that all centered around shifters.  The first book, Wolf’s Bane by Aimee Easterling revolves around two sisters who are secretly fox shifters (kitsune) and a particular alpha wolf who isn’t the leading alpha of the pack.  I will try to keep these all a bit shorter than usual too.  

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