Isle of Bones – We Witches Three Book One by Humphrey Quinn

Isle of Bones We Witches Three Book One by Humphrey Quinn

So.  Curious One.  I am gravely disappointed!  I have been searching for years for an amazing series of books centering around witches and I had so much hope that I had found it!  I had so much hope that after only reading the little blurb and basis of the series, I downloaded the first three books and began to read immediately!  However, what a crime I committed!

First off, they are only like 100 – ish – pages each and that’s SO short!  Second, I made the assumption that since they were all over 21, it would be centered more towards older young adults, like 20-30-year old’s; I was wrong.  Third, it felt like the author was struggling to give depth to her characters.  There is such potential here, but man, I was completely let down!

Of course, I’m talking about the first book in the We Witches Three series, Isle of Bones – written by Humphrey Quinn. 

After realizing how terribly short these books are, all three amounting to under 350 pages total, I debated reading them all and making one discussion about the series in general, but I just have so much to say, I didn’t want your curiosity to be annoyed by a discussion that was zipping all over the first three books.  This way, if after you read this, you can decide whether you want to continue to read the other two “books” with me, or just read my highlights. 

So, with that said, let’s begin, shall we? 

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Vampire In Denial by Dale Mayer

Alright, Curious One.  Today I took a chance on a topic that I typically stray from.  Vampires.  To me, vampires should be kept as dark, immortal, terrifying beings who hunt at night and take what they want.  They should always epitomize the genuine traits of what most people consider monsters.  No diamond skin, no surviving off blood bags or animal blood and definitely no love affairs with fragile humans. 

However, because I loved Dale Mayer’s Psychic Visions series first book, Tuesday’s Child, I decided to go ahead and check out her first book in the Family Blood Ties series, Vampire in Denial.

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