The Dark Room by Minette Walters

The Dark Room by Minette Walters

I hope you are ready, Curious One, because today I ventured into the world of The Dark Room, created by English writer, Minette Walters.  What can I say?  It’s a classic, semi-convoluted crime novel that makes your brain work overtime!  It was wonderful, if a bit too much on occasion. 

There’s a multitude of mixed messages hidden in these pages, but I did my best to keep them straight.  There were so many people involved in this book, detectives from a handful of different locations, a few families, some neighbors and a handful of coworkers that were all recurring characters throughout the 300+ pages.   Honestly?  It was a mess of names and backgrounds and motives and I was overwhelmed for the first third of the book.  Hahahah! 

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Isle of Echoes- We Witches Three Book Three by Humphrey Quinn

Isle of Echoes by Humphrey Quinn

Alright.  Curious One?  I caved.  I absolutely read the third book in the We Witches Three series by Humphrey Quinn.  Isle of Echoes was about the same as the others.  It answered one question and left me with a thousand more.  The most frustrating part is that I want to know what happens to this family, even though I can hardly stand the style of writing.  It’s bugging me so badly!

Isle of Echoes was pretty well rounded in regard to each of the characters, however I am still bewildered that Eva keeps getting to them so easily.  What’s the point of acknowledging your instincts if you ignore them and walk into traps every day?

And did I call Riley and Melinda?!  Ugh.  Totally Romeo and Juliet vibes which is obviously predictable and absolutely annoying. 

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Isle of Wolves – We Witches Three Book Two by Humphrey Quinn

Isle of Wolves Time for a Book

Oooookay Curious One.  So, I decided to read the next installment in the We Witches Three series by Humphrey Quinn.  Isle of Wolves was a little unexpected.  I still have the same problem as with the first one, too short and the style of writing not quite fitting the age of the characters, but this one held a bit of annoyance for me.  Hahah!

I promise, I am NOT a picky reader!  But man, I just wanted this series to be so good and it’s just not happening…

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Isle of Bones – We Witches Three Book One by Humphrey Quinn

Isle of Bones We Witches Three Book One by Humphrey Quinn

So.  Curious One.  I am gravely disappointed!  I have been searching for years for an amazing series of books centering around witches and I had so much hope that I had found it!  I had so much hope that after only reading the little blurb and basis of the series, I downloaded the first three books and began to read immediately!  However, what a crime I committed!

First off, they are only like 100 – ish – pages each and that’s SO short!  Second, I made the assumption that since they were all over 21, it would be centered more towards older young adults, like 20-30-year old’s; I was wrong.  Third, it felt like the author was struggling to give depth to her characters.  There is such potential here, but man, I was completely let down!

Of course, I’m talking about the first book in the We Witches Three series, Isle of Bones – written by Humphrey Quinn. 

After realizing how terribly short these books are, all three amounting to under 350 pages total, I debated reading them all and making one discussion about the series in general, but I just have so much to say, I didn’t want your curiosity to be annoyed by a discussion that was zipping all over the first three books.  This way, if after you read this, you can decide whether you want to continue to read the other two “books” with me, or just read my highlights. 

So, with that said, let’s begin, shall we? 

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Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson

Before I Go to Sleep by SJ Watson

Okay Curious One.  This next novel will get you!  I promise, if you are into psychological thrillers even in the slightest of ways, you will fall in love with this debut novel, Before I Go to Sleep, written by S.J. Watson. 

Hopefully, we can stay on the same page with this discussion as I do my best to navigate both my feelings towards the events happening in Before I Go to Sleep and depicting the events happening in a way that doesn’t lose you!  At the ending there are a few group discussion questions that the author posed and a couple of them I would love to explore with you.

I realize how often my brain gets tangled up in the web of the storyline that is being weaved by the author, but Before I Go to Sleep was astounding!  I undeniably loved it!  Even as the reader, looking into the life of Christine, you think you have found the answer and then get convinced you are totally wrong!  Surprisingly, one of the first thoughts that popped into my head was “what if Ben isn’t really Ben?” And then Bam!  You are convinced so deeply that he is and you forget you ever thought that until almost the very ending and you are left with a “What??!” expression on your face as you keep staring at the sentence you just read in complete bewilderment!  I mean…WHOA!  You see it coming, but even still, it slams into you like an avalanche.

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Endless Evil Gives Chills, Creeps – Get a Night Light!

This one is hard to talk about Curious One.  Endless Evil is a Pruitt County Mystery from author Amanda Feyerbend and it is rough; for a couple reasons.  The two killers are so disgusting and terrible, the writing is a bit chaotic at times, and it all is so believable that it could EASILY be based off of true events and real killers.  It chills your bones and gives you a massive dose of the creeps.  I mean, I honestly don’t even know where to start my discussion of this curiosity.  Maybe I should just go for it and see what happens…

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“See You Soon” – NC Marshall Grips In this Short Psychological Thriller!

Hey there, Curious One!  I realized that I have been doing a lot of YA and Fantasy talks recently, so I decided to do a mystery/suspense Curiosity!  A few weeks ago, I ran into this book while browsing on Amazon it surprisingly sparked my inner curiosity.  I typically go for longer reads that take a few days or a week to get done, but this one wasn’t too bad.  Written by NC Marshall, See You Soon is categorized as a gripping psychological thriller.  The question I have for you is…did it grip you?

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