Autumn’s Reign Is a Fulfilling Conclusion to the Lochlann Treaty Series!

Wow, Curious One.  The final book in the Lochlann Treaty Series, Autumn’s Reign, was remarkable.  I’m loathed to admit that I ended up relatively proud of Oliver, although I still don’t like him.  I am proud that he stood up to the manipulative adults and realized they were manipulating him, but he is still a very annoying boy.  After he returned from the war though, I will grudgingly admit that he became a man.  Hahah!

Jocelyn changed as well, quickly becoming a voice behind Charlie, which was both surprising and welcoming.  I really wasn’t looking forward to having to deal with childish and malicious antics by women trying to take each other down in shame.  You know, one of the popular tropes among young adult books.  

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Summer’s Rebellion – The Lochlann Treaty Series Still Going Strong!

Man, Curious One.  I am both elated and angry after reading Summer’s Rebellion!  I didn’t want to be right.  And I guess technically we don’t know for certain if I was right or not, but really, the alchemist who can create the poison that killed the king is from Socair and Oliver’s aunt and uncle are the only people who have both the money and the connection to Socair, so they obviously poisoned and killed the king.  Also, Oliver is still an easily manipulated little boy.  Geez, all he does is piss me off…

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Does “Spring’s Rising” Rise to “Winter’s Captive”?

The Lochlann Treaty – Book Two – Spring’s Rising by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison

Wow.  Wow!  Curious One!  Can you believe what happened??!  I think I might still be reeling from everything that went down and where my mind keeps taking me in potential futures for these wonderful characters.  Okay, I will start at the beginning of Spring’s Rising.  

It starts off right where the first one left off, which was awesome.  And can I say too many times how much I do not like Oliver??!  I mean, seriously, what a cowering, selfish, ignorant, thoughtless jerk.  “Sometimes survival matters more than your pride”???  Really??? THAT is your defense?  Ugh.  I told you in the last review of Winter’s Captive how I thought he was hiding something and oh, was he hiding! 

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