Breeana Puttroff’s Thorns of Decision Will Hit You Where It Matters

Okay, Curious One.  I’m moving through the first four books of the Dusk Gate Chronicles by Breeana Puttroff fairly quickly!  They are crazy good reads!  This post is going to sort through the third book, Thorns of Decision.  If it wasn’t hinted at by the title, you are aware that some prickly instances may happen throughout the book.  Some hard feelings are felt, and some decisions are made that begin a trail of pain and new beginnings.

Thorns of Deicison – The Beginning

It opens with Quinn’s mom ungrounding her from her phone the afternoon after she returned from the gate.  There is anger and hurt and some obvious tension going on between them. 

She missed 46 messages from Abby and Zander.  Ignoring yet another call from Zander, she called William; which brought her comfort.  She headed over to his place to do homework and talk about what might be happening.  She shoots Zander a message asking him to come over later so they can talk. 

I like how Thorns of Decision is set up.  There are two points of perspective and it’s nice to get more than just Quinn’s point of view in certain areas and given the chance to see into William’s mind on occasion was a wonderful relief to the intense drama between Quinn and her relationships in her world. 

After the afternoon of homework done with William, Quinn invited Zander over to have their talk.  They didn’t really fix things, but they were still together so at least that worked out.  For now. 

I have to admit here.  Though Quinn was irresponsible for leaving without telling anyone, her mom was extremely childish throughout almost the entire length of Thorns of Decision. Quinn was trying to communicate with her, but her mom was doing everything in her power to avoid Quinn.  And doing little, stupid things like take the keys to the spare car without telling Quinn is absurd for an adult.  I mean, seriously.  That’s a teenager move coming from a mother.  Everything her mom did was a teenager move, in my opinion.

Did Something Seem out of Place?

There was a chapter that felt a bit out of place, but only because it was a discussion with her boss at the library.  Quinn learned that Nathaniel and Samuel (her father) were close.  Like, really close.  My first thought here was that maybe Nathaniel brought Samuel to Eirentheos on occasion.  My second thought was that maybe Nathaniel and Samuel brought Quinn’s mom over to Eirentheos and that was how she knew about the gate.  My third and final thought was that maybe because this chapter felt out of place, there was a lot not being said about the relationship between Nathaniel and Samuel and Quinn’s mom.  That something still needed to be divulged before we could connect all the pieces.

Owen has dreams too!  That’s so awesome!  I knew he would be playing an important role in the series!

So, more drama continues between her and her mother.  Surprisingly, Abby has been absent for the most part and though concerning, Zander has been understandable.  Suspicious and jealous, sure, but not too annoying.

They’re making a really big deal about Quinn and William.  I mean, I can understand a bit I suppose, but she is being accused multiple times now for cheating on Zander.  And yes, she may have been kissed by Thomas AND she may have kissed William, but it was one time.  One time during a very stressful situation.  I spoke too soon when I said Abby has been surprisingly absent in Thorns of Decision.  Hah!  Every time she comes into play, I get annoyed and bothered by her.  Quinn made plans earlier that day to help a friend and suddenly, just because she gets asked to go out with her boyfriend that same evening, she has to cancel all her previously made plans?  You’re kidding, right Curious One?  Is that how it’s supposed to play out nowadays?  And William is being so patient and kind throughout this whole ordeal. 

A Big Reveal

Thomas finally got through to her when she visited him with William.  It was heartfelt and touching and it make you as a reader love Thomas that much more.  After everything he’s been through, he can still be kind and gentle and loving.  It was good advice.  In relationships you have to be able to realize when you’re hurting someone.  Even if you don’t want to hurt them by breaking it off with them, you still might be hurting them by staying with them. 

And the big reveal!  I think I got it! 

So, Quinn finally broke up with Zander and went with William to help move him into Nathaniel’s house.  When she told Nathaniel that her mother was still not talking to her he told them all that Samuel (Quinn’s birth father) was actually his brother!  So, Samuel was from the other world, just like Nathaniel.  Which has to be why her mother knew about the gate, right? 

This is a lot of information.  I was a bit upset that Quinn decided to leave to Eirentheos after learning about her father, but at the same time, I understood.  Zander was upset and jealous and no longer her boyfriend, Abby was furious and not talking to her, her mother was ignoring her and being childish, and she was rarely able to see her brother and sister because her mom kept them from her.  She had no reason to want to stay in her world when no one there wanted to spend time with her, let alone talk to her. 

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Quinn-tessential Information

More political information was provided and more drama ensued in Thorns of Decision.  Some more personal information about Quinn’s father and the Friends of Philip came out and the Hardridge family was introduced. 

The Hardridge family is from Philothean and they crossed the border to seek asylum.  Although the father, Eldon and the youngest daughter were having some troubles.  The father had severe burns that needed taken care of and the youngest girl had some smoke inhalation that needed to be monitored.

I’m going to jump ahead about 30 days.  There was more drama and some insightful information provided, but the most important thing I think is that Quinn and William grew much closer.  Quinn still has her moments of some teenage angst and outbursts, but I feel she is semi entitled to them given her situation. 

She remained in Eirentheos for 30 days total.  Which is about 3 days in her world, keep in mind.  So, she returns with the goal of staying for one day only and talking to her mother about what has happened and getting to the bottom of it no matter what.  William’s birthday is coming up and she wants to be in Eirentheos for it, so she is coming back to Eirentheos no matter what happens.  Nathaniel is still in Quinn’s world as well.

And Boom!  There it is!  Did you see it coming, Curious One?  Thorns of Decision was certainly written with a handful of big reveals being introduced!  Quinn is in fact, the firstborn of the firstborn of the royal Philothean line.  That makes her the true heir to the throne.  The Philothean throne which Tolliver is trying to take by force.  The kingdom that is going through political upheaval. 

Is An Adult Acting Like a Child Annoying?

Quinn’s mother is still a bit annoying, acting a bit like a 25 year-old instead of a mother of three, but she was really apologetic and heartbroken about the whole situation, so I can give her a bit of an emotional break for that. 

This entire situation is crazy for someone of a different world to understand.  I have the feeling that Quinn is going to stay in Eirentheos to claim her right to the Philothean throne and her mother will come in to cause some more drama and angst when she is going to have too much already for a 16 year-old girl from a different world.  Hah!

Anyways, Quinn talks with Nathaniel and some more with her mother before returning to Eirentheos to celebrate William’s birthday.  Nathaniel comes with her this time and before they both cross over there is something amiss. 

No one is there to greet them.

They learn that the Hardridges, after being set up in Mistle Village, were attacked again.  The clinic was burned to the ground and Eldon Hardridge was injured badly.  They weren’t sure if they could save him, so William stayed to help instead of meeting Quinn at the gate.

The Adventure Continues

Quinn and Nathaniel left to Mistle Village with Simon (the heir to the Eirenthean throne) while Max went back to the castle to update everyone.  Eldon didn’t make it and Nathaniel was upset about it.  More so than usual because Eldon was a close friend to him.  They were both some of the first members of the Friends of Philip and Eldon was one of the rare few who knew about Nathaniel being alive.

A few days later William took Quinn to choose a Seeker in Thorns of Decision.  But Quinn asked what would happen if she never came back to Eirentheos and it sort of ruined the mood.  Which Thomas and Linnea later revealed was when he was going to ask Quinn if she would officially court him at his birthday celebration.  William was disappointed, obviously, and never asked her. 

William rode off to Mistle Village after the eventful morning and found Nathaniel with the Halpern’s.  More Philothean refugees in need of medical aid.  A young boy with a gash on his leg and a young girl who they decided needed her appendix removed.  William and Nathaniel got the girl comfortable and William stitched up the young boy as Nathaniel went with the mother to get her husband.

Meanwhile, Back at the Castle

Quinn was having an interesting conversation with Thomas and Linnea.  She told them that she chose the seeker that was a solid light gray color aside from little patches of white on the chest and wings.  She called him Raeyan (it means trusted guardian) which I think is fitting for the occasion and what I think she will have to go through in the next book to lay her claim.

I like King Stephen.  He seems like a genuine, kind king who loves all of his children so much.  And he isn’t afraid to show it.  And he is honest.  He didn’t have to tell Quinn that he sent William to Bristlecone to be closer to her, all in the hopes that they would one day connect and she would choose their world over hers.  He admits his mistakes and only omits the truth for good reasons.  Quinn naturally reacts quite badly to this, but it’s understandable and she finally makes the connection that she was never forced into a relationship with William.  They found each other on their own, even if the “deck was stacked” in the favor of the world of Eirentheos and Philotheum. 

Mia!  I don’t recall if I have talked much about Mia, but I liked her from the start.  The scene where she tells Quinn that she was hiding in the bathroom during the conversation with Thoman and Linnea AND King Stephen was really beautiful.  I think it gave Quinn a chance to see something from someone’s perspective who was not affiliated with anything specific (aside from Friends of Philip).  Mia strictly wants what’s best for Quinn and will fully support her choice(s), no matter what they are.  Mia bluntly stated that it doesn’t matter what King Stephen did.  He may have been wrong in doing it, but what William and Quinn have isn’t because of King Stephen’s choices and she shouldn’t make HER choice based off what he did either.  Very insightful.

Being Honest with Oneself

Quinn finally made the choice to fully embrace what she felt with William.  It was honestly a relief.  I felt a little like Thorns of Decision spent a bit too much time on the relationship drama between everyone.  I realize that there is probably a lot being answered and built up for the fourth book, but it was a little boring sometimes and I found myself skipping a sentence or two.

Quinn finally told William she was the rightful heir to the Philothean throne and he still wanted to be with her.

William’s coming-of-age birthday celebration was fun.  We got news that the men who saved Thomas from Tolliver were arrested and held on accounts of treason and disobeying direct orders, which they then had to go back out to the party and keep celebrating. 

The next morning, she told Thomas and Linnea who she was as well.

Because there was a missing guard and Quinn’s identity was getting harder and harder to conceal, Stephen and Charlotte decided that Quinn, William, Linnea and Thomas would all travel to Bristlecone to remain safe.  The guard left early to warn the family that something was brewing.  Tolliver was planning a kidnapping attempt to get Linnea. 

Quinn and William Join the Friends of Philip

Right after joining Friends of Philip, William, Quinn, Linnea and Thomas were informed that a large group of Philothean refugees were camped out, completely surrounding the gate.  This meant that they wouldn’t be able to cross into Quinn’s world to keep Linnea safe.  And that is where we were left off.  Quinn is stuck in Eirentheos with a big decision she needs to make.

I LOVE the concept of the dandelion choice!  Absolutely love it!  Here is an excerpt from the book in regard to the dandelion choice…

               “When you plant a garden, no matter how carefully, there will always be weeds…plants that work their own way in, tend to themselves, and multiply.  A gardener has two choices.  He can carefully cultivate the plants he has placed there, feeding them, watering them, and vigilantly guarding them against the weeds…or you can let the weeds in…some weeds, dandelions in particular, are quite useful, and even beautiful.  They provide food, medicine, decoration and entertainment.  You can even make a kind of coffee from ground dandelion roots.  But if you have a dandelion garden, which may be easier and even has its own advantages…deciding to have a dandelion garden is, in many ways, a choice to make no decision at all.  You don’t have to make the choice.  If you just don’t decide anything, the dandelions will decide for you…which isn’t so bad, until you reach the point where you have no control over the situation at all.  The dandelions start to go everywhere, choking the life out of any other plants in your garden, starting to spread outside your fence.  Eventually, you are at their mercy…it’s no longer your garden; the dandelions have taken over and you can no longer have roses… Whereas choosing the roses is the opposite of choosing the dandelions.  Roses are delicate, difficult to cultivate, and early on they’re easy to kill.  They need lots of sunshine, water, food, and care.  They’re vulnerable to bugs and weeds.  And growing them can even be painful.  With the roses come the thorns…but if you put the work in…if you make that choice, there’s nothing more beautiful than a perfect rose…”

Final Thoughts on Thorns of Decision

Thorns of Decision was exceptionally written.  Again, the characters from Earth were annoying and bothering me, while those from Eirentheos were understanding and inviting.  It feels like a foresight into Quinn’s choice that will most likely be made in the next book.  However, it won’t be easy.  And I get the feeling that there will be a bit more waiting and watching the “dandelions grow” before choosing to “cultivate the roses” in her garden of choices.

And after that choice, we will have to get through her mother’s reaction, hopefully saying goodbye to her family, getting accepted by her birth family in Philotheum and proving that she is who she says she is.  I can see a lot of writing material for the next book and I hope everyone makes it out alive in the end!

Breeana Puttroff has solidified her name on my top 10 authors list and maybe even on my top 5 fantasy/adventure/fiction list as well!  Every one of her characters has life and meaning and is there for a reason and they are memorable enough that if they aren’t mentioned every 20 pages you still remember them and hope for improvement or development.  I can’t wait to finish her fourth novel in the Dusk Gate Chronicles to officially set my opinion. 

Hopefully, it’s good stuff!

Until we discuss again, Curious One, I hope your new year is ringing in bright and full of hope!

…it’s time for another book…

Check out Breeana Puttroff at the following links:

Breeana Puttroff’s Website
Breeana Puttroff on Twitter
Breaana Puttroff on Facebook

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Thorns of Decision
There is nothing more to say about Thorns of Decision than the advice to read it now! If you haven’t read her earlier works in the Dusk Gate Chronicles, give them a chance as soon as possible! Puttroff has created an entire world around our world that brings forth light in some of the darkest days we have in our lives and proves that anyone can make choices for themselves instead of the choices being made for them. Thorns of Decision will hit you where it matters.