Hello there Curious One! I just began this series called The Lochlann Treaty. It is written by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison. Book one, Winter’s Captive, was pretty good. Good enough for me to continue reading the series at least! There are four books so far in the series, spanning each of the four seasons.
Winter’s Captive was a bit slow most of the time though. I mean, it read fast, but the book covered every single day during the adventure. Which, if they are written like I’m hoping and combined the series covers about a year, it will be a fun way to experience this specific adventure.
The King of Winter’s Captive
So much happened in Winter’s Captive. It began with some curious actions taken by almost everyone involved. The day prior to the wedding, the king was informed of a new uprising and rebellion effort taking place close to somewhere called the Bala Dam. His reaction to this information though, was a bit concerning. I mean, he practically brushed it off, saying “send troops for support and that’s the last I want to hear of it.” It is just a bit unbelievable, coming from a king who rules a world that is supposed to be in peace and have no political issues.
The wedding of Princess Charlotte (Charlie) and Prince Oliver (Oli) is supposed to literally bring forth a new age of total peace between the two kingdoms of H’Ria and Luan. Although, from my understanding, the peace the are currently experiencing is next to none. No one feels truly secure about the union, even though it has been in the making since the birth of Charlie and the two of them are united on it. It was a relief to know that they are actually in love and want to be married to each other. I didn’t want to have to choke down a handful of chapters all about arranged marriages and being forced to give up who you are in order to keep your kingdom at peace. It is too heartbreaking to want that in your story. You know?
So, the king has a blasé reaction to the news of the rebellion and the story continues. The day of the wedding comes, and it is beautiful. I loved the way Charlie was described. She compared herself to a winter faerie queen and if the vision of her created by the authors is anything close to what she really looked like; I would have to agree. Crushed white velvet in a long-sleeved dress that hugged her curves and trained out in elegance, adorned only in a simple crystal and diamond belt across the hips and a crown made of clear and blue diamonds…I mean…you can’t get too much more winter faerie queen than that!!!
I’m actually curious if it is a hint of what may come to light in the future books…something to keep in mind, Curious One….
Speaking of things to keep in mind, don’t forget about the Uncle Laird Earc! What a creepy, evil guy! Well, in my opinion he is creepy, evil and mean. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if he ends up being a part of, in charge of, or takes advantage of the rebellion. He will definitely betray them all. Keep him in the back of your mind Curious One, because he is a big curiosity to explore in the later books, I hope. He deserves some spotlight, even if it is bad and grosses you out!!
More about the Characters of Winter’s Captive
I also want to add real quick here that I am suspicious of Oliver. I mean, he seems a bit less excited about the marriage and when Charlie refused to sleep with him literally the night before their wedding, he called her Charlotte instead of Charlie. He never does that and she doesn’t go by that name unless being addressed by someone who does not know her or is not a friend to her. So, his actions make me question a lot about him. I also don’t understand how he could have put up such a struggle and gotten kidnapped from the middle of the castle without anyone noticing or hearing a sound. He has secrets and I am dying to know what they are.
Queen Elspeth also acts a bit strange during the day of the wedding. She was described to have a morose expression and a grave face twice in the span of the morning. I want to know why. I can understand the morose – it would be sad to see your only daughter marry a prince of a different kingdom – it makes a little sense to me. However, to “mask it with a smile and happiness” when your daughter sees you? That makes it suspicious. Tell your daughter your feelings. It’s definitely not uncommon to have a bit of sadness at a wedding. It is a very impactful moment in the lives of those involved and the relationship between mother and daughter seems strong. I feel there may be something more there.
Charlie’s younger brother Finnian seems amazing. Happy, unique, supportive and not a jerk one bit. I love him. He is also in love with Charlie’s only and best friend Isla. Isla is totally a BFF too! She supports Charlie in her decisions no matter how crazy and helps her as much as possible on the beginning of their adventure. Something more will happen between the three of them, I just know it.
So, after the parties are dispersed to find Prince Oliver, Isla and Charlie find new information of traitors within the ranks of the guards. Both in H’Ria and Luan. Naturally, they take it upon themselves to deliver this information to her brother who oversees the H’Ria guard. They don’t know who to trust, which is why they do it themselves.
The Perfect Disguise
Dressing and disguising themselves in armor and on the backs of the two war horses they set off to catch up with the search parties. After some embarrassing moments and some struggle, they arrive and deliver their news to Finnian. He is livid, of course, that they have left the castle and promises to find a trusted guard to take them back.
Still disguised as soldiers with the help of Finnian, they remain with the search party under the nose of Logan. Logan is the half brother to Oliver and the captain of the guard for the kingdom of Luan. After a few days of further travel, they get into a skirmish with a small force of the Aramach (this is the rebellion force I mentioned earlier). The traitors within the ranks of H’Ria and Luan are discovered, but Finnian gets stabbed in the leg and Charlie steps in and kills the man – saving her brothers life. Isla and Charlie have also lost the advantage of their hidden disguise with Logan.
The search party continues travelling to a safe spot. Finn is fixed up and all is revealed to Logan, including their knowledge of the traitors among them. Due to the pressing matters and the wounds of their soldiers, Logan – supported by Finn – decides to go on his own, continuing a faster search for his brother, promising to send word if he finds new information (of course).
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Bala Dam is Coming
Charlie, being Charlie, sneaks out and follows Logan. He finds her and is forced to keep her with him. I will admit, I was pretty annoyed by all of Charlie’s obsession to find her fiancé. I mean, I get it, but the thought of being a hindrance to the search instead of a benefit truly never crossed her mind and that confuses me a bit. She is so obsessed with finding Oliver that she doesn’t really think of anyone else but herself. I wish I could hate her for that, but I don’t. She is so in love with Oliver that she would risk everything trying to find him. It’s irresponsible, but it’s also powerful.
Anyways, Logan is stuck with Charlie now. They make it to the Bala Dam (remember that the Aramach forces were trying to take it over earlier and the king was like “sure, send troops and get out of my face”). All that is left of Bala is a pile of mutilated and burned bodies. Charlie realized that there are no children and they make the connection that the children must have been taken by the Aramach for some purpose. It is here that they also discover that Oli was in fact taken by the Aramach to a place called Hagail.
After they leave the Bala Dam (the dam was broken as well, but they aren’t positive why destroying the dam was important to the Aramach), they are raided by thieves in the forest. The thieves take everything, including their horse and the wedding ring Charlie holds so dear to her memory of Oliver.
They begin walking and find a secluded place with a very nice older couple Jimmy and Bridget. The couple allow them to wait out the storm in their house and they have to stay for a few nights until the weather is clear. Charlie learns to cook, wash dishes and the process of making bread while Logan helps Jimmy with chores around the farm.
I love how much Charlie loved them. It was beautiful. I really hope nothing happens to them in the future books. I will definitely cry.
Everyone Needs Friends like Thieves
After they leave Jimmy and Bridget, borrowing a horse of theirs, they enter the forest again. They hear a cry of a child and Logan saves a boy from an Aramach kidnapper. Turns out, the boy is a child of the bandit of thieves they ran into prior to Jimmy and Bridget. Saving the boy, Logan and Charlie earned the respect, honor and kinship from the thieves. Because of the late hour and the distance to Hagail, they decide to stay with the thief faction until the morning when they can continue on to find Oli.
There is a winter celebration going on and they take part of the festivities, getting a much-needed break from their dire circumstances, including a dagger given as a gift to Charlie from Fia – a mysterious girl with white hair, two colored eyes and a fox as her companion.
In the morning, the bandit group escorts them to the border of Hagail. Logan gets a room and they settle for the night. However, they are separated when someone comes to inform Logan of an issue with their horse. Charlie stays behind in the room while Logan takes care of it. They got in yet another argument and it was revealed that Oliver wasn’t faithful to her. She doesn’t fully believe it though. I do. I told you there was something wrong about Oliver!!!
The injured horse was a trick and Charlie is attacked. She uses the siren dagger to damage the private area of one of her kidnappers before being knocked unconscious and taken away.
She wakes tied up on the ground to the sight and sound of Oliver.
It was a cliffhanger! Can you believe it???! That was the end. Waking in the same place as Oliver. I was frustrated! Hahahah!!! I wanted more!!
Final Thoughts on Winter’s Captive
Before I finish this discussion off, I have a couple more things to include.
To begin with, Charlie seems to be naïve. This isn’t all that surprising though, when you realize she has not lived a life of experience beyond the walls of her castle during a time of peace. I think it says a lot that she isn’t spoiled, stuck-up or otherwise unbearable and mean. It goes to show how strong of a person she is to be the way she is with the upbringing she had. Just saying. I am excited for her to become humbler and grow exponentially.
Next, I want to touch on the glimpses of the backstories of the four young characters. Isla, Charlie, Oli and Logan. They are very important, I think. Things have changed between them all and I want more of these glimpses to understand what happened. There is a total miscommunication between them that has caused a bit of separation that I don’t think belongs there. What do you think of Winter’s Captive??
Finally, I want to know what you think of Logan! He is complex and maybe a bit superior in his mind. But I think I am going to love him and want him to be the one who ends up with Charlie. Oliver is obviously not who we think he is.
Logan and Charlie fight over everything but I think it is because of something that isn’t being said. I don’t think Charlie has hidden feelings for Logan, she truly loves Oliver and wants to spend the rest of her life with him, but I also think that after we find out what is going on with Oliver and why he was “kidnapped” she will maybe change her mind.
I want more Curious One!
I really hope you decide to read this series with me, I think for all the slowness in Winter’s Captive, it will pick up and sweep us off our feet in the next three!
Join me in my next discussion where I will talk about Spring’s Rising, book two of the Lochlann Treaty series by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison.
Check out the author at the following links:
Robin D. Mahle’s Twitter
Elle Madison’s Twitter
Robin D. Mahle’s Website
Elle Madison’s Facebook
You can purchase Winter’s Captive through Amazon here!
Book 1: Winter’s Captive
Book 2: Spring’s Rising
Book 3: Summer’s Rebellion
Book 4: Autumn’s Reign
…it’s time to begin the next book…
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